
Casual Outfit of the Day

9:42 PM

Turtleneck: Autumn Cashmere
Skirt: Gucci
Earrings: Bauble Bar
Booties: Steve Madden

I know, I know, I've posted two beige turtlenecks in a row, but how great is a beige turtleneck? This Gucci skirt is a little more high-end then I usually like to post in outfits here, but there is just something about that calls to me. I will probably be on the hunt myself for a less expensive option. The chunkiness of the bootie pairs well with the knits especially since it has a little bit of a longer length then what you normally see on a bootie. This will make the ankle seem slimmer and, for most people, will be a better option when paired with a skirt. I've named this a casual outfit, but the earrings add a bit of drama and make this a great transitional day to evening out for drinks kind of outfit.

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