
Splurge vs Steal - Navy Military Coats

8:41 PM

Vanessa Seward $835                                               Goat $576

As I sit here typing this, I'm pondering the ridiculousness of it all. I'm looking at navy coats, and the rest of the world is immersed in Spring fashions. That pretty much sums me up lately; always running just a little bit behind.

The good thing about looking at navy coats right now is that if you can find them, they will inevitably be on sale. I've linked to two that are classic and can be worn next winter or ten winters from now, and I show the price as of about two weeks ago. As we continue to inch toward summer, if they are still available, the price will just keep falling, and you'll be able to score an incredible bargain with just a little investment. Something to consider, right?

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