
Splurge vs. Steal - Sleeping Kitty Flats

6:05 PM

I am usually the first person in the world to say that you should spend a little more on your shoes than other things in your wardrobe, but for shoes like this...How often after this fall are you going to be wearing a pair of velvet smoking shoes with a cat on them?  Yes, there is the real velvet vs whatever man-made material the less expensive shoe is made of argument, and yes, you want flats to be comfortable and sometimes less expensive flats are the worst on your feet.  Try buying them half a size larger, putting friction block and/or Dr. Scholls tape on before you wear them, even wear them with trouser socks  with pants or with tights and a skirt, but there are so many other things to invest your wardrobe money on.  This is a trend.  Buy carefully.  If you have to, have to buy the Charlotte Olympia, comparison shop.  They are $30 more at Neiman Marcus than at Nordstrom.  But then if you are spending $625 on a cat flat, the extra $30 probably doesn't matter.  Happy cat feet!

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